I AM the Sacred Heart

A poem about the pure state of presence we inhabit when we delve into the silence of our heartspace.

The silence has a

depth to it; a quality of

Being. This silence is not the

absence of sound. It’s not the

lack or absence of anything –


it’s pure, unadulterated



The pure, unadulterated

presence I feel centered in my

heartspace; coming into

alignment with something

greater than self; breathing

that spaciousness into

my heart-center; slowing

down my breath; consciously

harmonizing with the

heartbeat of the Universe;

communing with the stars and

skies, the molten core of

the Earth and the

deepest reaches of my own

Being; connected to the

entirety of the Universe through

this moment of presence – that is

a moment in time and a moment

out of time, simultaneously, all at

the same time.

It is a moment

beyond time.

A moment that transcends all

notions of time, space and

separation; a moment when

things of the world fall

away as I journey into

unfathomable depths, touching

the place at the center of the

Core of Being where my

Infinite Self resides. The

place where I Am You

You Are Me, We Are

One, as everything is

brought into the sacred

heart of Oneness.

Here there is no

lack, there is no

separation. There is

only peace.


The serenity of



Surrender to

this moment.


This moment of pure

bliss; the calm which

arises from deep

within; the quietude

which envelops me and

everything around

me; the repose which

fills my body and

energy field as

I come into


with Oneness.



I touch the

sacred face

of god.


It is a moment

of surrender to

the unknown

something which

I can’t quite put

my finger on, find

myself unable to

give a name,

but Know to be

infinitely more

expansive than


I’ve hitherto



It’s a moment of

surrender to



The Oneness

that lies beyond

concepts of time,

space, separation.


The Oneness that

lies beyond the

concept of self.


In this moment

of Surrender, I

open myself up

to be the physical

embodiment of

this Infinite nature;

this unnamed

expansiveness; this






It is a moment when,

coming face to face with my

Infinite Self; coming into

the presence of who I

Am beyond the notions

of limitation, I ricochet off

the eternal depths of my

Being; carrying that

Vastness, that limitlessness,

that immutable god-nature

back with me to be expressed

in my physical body as

I walk in the world.


It is a moment when, coming

into the felt-presence of god, I

see reflected back at me my

own exquisite god-nature.


Know myself One.


One with the Universe.

One with All That Is.

A moment when I AM

embodied Presence; my body a

portal for the Infinite nature of the

Universe to be felt, remembered –

Known – here on Earth.


It is a moment of



It transfigures Me.


It transfigures the World.


 Image courtesy of realworkhard.

5 thoughts on “I AM the Sacred Heart”

    1. Thank you Michael. It feels so good to be back in writing mode and have poems flow through me onto the page – I’m sure that’s something you must resonate with ^=^ “I know you. You’re me. We’re this…” – now that I love!

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